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Chapter 34

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The Death Of Moses (ch. 34:1 - 12)


 God had Moses climb Mount Nebo and Moses saw the land that God was giving Israel, but not him.  I often wonder how Moses must have felt.  He led Israel for all these years but he had to stay behind, and not just stay behind, but die.  This had to be one very reflective moment for Moses.


Verse 5 tells us that Moses died.  The text states that "he buried him".  The obvious question is, "who does the pronoun "he" refer to.  "He" refers to God.  God buried Moses.  No man buried Moses.  As verse 6 states, no one ever knew where Moses was buried. 


Verse 7 states that Moses eye's weren't weak and his strength wasn't gone.  Even though Moses was one hundred and twenty years old, he apparently was still in good health.  The text seems to suggest that Moses did not die of old age.  He died because the Lord took him.


In Jude 9, in the New Testament,  we note that satan and Michael the arc angel disputed over the body of Moses.  This appears to be a reference to Deuteronomy 34.   Something took place at Moses' death that we do not know a lot about but seems to have a lot of significance.  


From this very mountain, later in Jewish history another man was taken by the Lord.  He was Elijah.  This is important.  In Matthew 17 we see Jesus transfigured along with Moses and Elijah. Why Moses and Elijah?  In my thinking, both men, as seen in the way they left this earth, had more work to be done for the Lord.  I tend to see the two witnesses of the book of Revelation as Moses and Elijah. 


Concerning Moses being one of the two witnesses in the book of Revelation, note Revelation 15:.   The text states that Moses was the servant of God and the servant of the Lamb.  It is easy to understand that Moses was the servant of God from his duties we've studied in Deuteronomy, but how could he be the servant of the Lamb, who is Jesus.  My conclusion is that he returns with Elijah to serve Jesus in the Great Tribulation.  Thus Moses can be both the servant of God and also the servant of Jesus.    


In Mark 9:30 we note that from the mount of transfiguration they went back to Galilee.  Many Bible teachers suggest that the mountain is Mount Nebo, where Moses died and Elijah was translated.


In verse 9 we see the transference of authority from Moses to Joshua.  Moses laid hands on Joshua and the spirit of wisdom came on Joshua.   Any real man of God will have the spirit of wisdom.  If one does not exhibit the spirit of wisdom, he is not a man who should be leading God's people.


In verses 9 through 12 we note that there has been no prophet like Moses.  Of all the great prophets of the Old Testament Moses is the greatest.  The reason for this is given in verse 10,  He met with God, face to face.  This then tells me that Moses is in fact one of the greatest men in all of history.


The book of Deuteronomy closes what has been called the Torah by Jews and the Pentateuch by Christians. It sets the stage for the next step in Jewish history as seen in the next book of the Bible, the book of Joshua.                  



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