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The Case For Israel

by Alan Dershowitz


Alan Dershowitz is a very well known American lawyer.  He is a Jew and from my understanding would consider himself to be a liberal.  'The Case For Israel' is a very well written, lawyerly, approach for the reason why Jews should have their own nation.  He does a very good job at refuting every argument that has been set forth over the last 100 years or so against Israeli statement and anti-Semitism. Dershowitz is not a religious Jew.  Although he brings religion into the book, he is not basing his arguments solely on religion.  There are some things in the book that Christians who support Israel may disagree with, but, if you're interested in learning more about Israel, from Dershowitz's perspective, I highly recommend you reading this book.  I would say this book would be a must on your book shelf, alongside other Israel related books.    

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